Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Think Texas comment

On November 28, 2011-- Ana Whitman posted on her Think Texas blog about the Texas death penalty issues here in Texas. I was very interested in her post because I didn't hear about Rick Perry's comments about not losing any sleep over the death penalty issues. I'm not a Rick Perry fan and I can't say that I'm shocked about Perrys comments. I do agree that Texas has an issue with innocent people being sentenced and put to death. If even one innocent person dies, then there's a problem because I believe that one is too many. It's disheartening to think of innocent people being killed but I do also believe in the death penalty, especially for the most heinous crimes committed. Innocent people have died as a result of the Texas justice system, even a  judge publicly has said this himself. I completely agree that the Texas justice systems need reform and all evidence and data needs to be analyzed properly. I am glad that the Innocence Project is around but here in Texas we should be doing a better job of ensuring that innocent people aren't executed. I would like to see a requirement for a case review before executing people, especially those who continually declare their innocence. The Texas justice system is yet another area that desperately needs reform in Texas.